Thousands of bees seen swarming over Indonesia airplane's wing

The phenomenon was caught on film and uploaded to Instagram last Friday afternoon, showing what looks like thousands of bees swarming over a Citilink Indonesia airplane's right wing. There are numerous reasons why a chartered flight might be delayed. But recent passengers on a Citilink Indonesia flight were stung by a rather unusual occurrence, earlier this week - after one of the plane's wings was covered in bees. The commuter flight, which was loaded with passengers, was about to depart from Indonesia's Kualanamu International Airport, which serves the North Sumatra province, when thousands of the insects descended. Images taken from inside the craft show more than half if the wing completely covered by the swarm, while other bees hover nearby. Frustrated holiday-makers were left waiting more than 90 minutes for intervention from the local fire service, who dislodged the insects with jets of water. Citilink corporate vice president, Benny Bu...